LUMINOS | Brightening Development

Table of Contents

Plugin Presents
User Presents

Get Luminos

Itch [$1.99] - Luminos by Glitching Dreams
BuiltByBit [$1.99] -
ClearlyDev [£1.59] -
Creator Store [$4.99] -

Lighting is crucial for setting the tone and atmosphere in your experiences. But getting it just right can be tricky and time-consuming. Enter Luminos - a cutting-edge plugin that puts striking, cinema-quality lighting at your fingertips.

From dramatic sunsets to vibrant cartoon skies, Luminos provides an array of gorgeous, artfully-crafted presets to instantly elevate your game’s visuals. With this lovingly crafted lighting library, beautifying your environments has never been easier.


Plugin Presents

To change your lighting with Luminos, simply select one of the presets from the plugin interface, and watch as it applies a complete makeover to your experience’s lighting, atmosphere, skies, color grading, and more.

Luminos currently comes equipped with 13 uniquely beautiful presents:

  • After Rain by Mayhem
  • Another Planet by RPGWhitelock
  • Blue Nebula by TonyS
  • Cartoon Blue Sky by RPGWhitelock
  • Cartoon Night Sky by RPGWhitelock
  • Cold Night by RPGWhitelock
  • Cold Sunset by RPGWhitelock
  • Corona by Ulukai
  • Epic Blue Sunset by RPGWhitelock
  • Glorious Pink by RPGWhitelock
  • Overcast Low by RPGWhitelock
  • Shattered by Mayhem
  • Silver and Gold Nebulae by TonyS
[Authors are credited for their provision of the presents' skyboxes.]

User Presents

Once you’ve adjusted your lighting to the look you’re after, save it as a custom user preset. With Luminos, you can build up an ever-expanding library of lighting setups, ready to be recalled whenever.

Want to make any changes? You can always overwrite a present you’ve previously made by saving with the same name. Another way to alter your User Presents is by manually altering a present’s module. [See FAQ]


Sometimes, one little mistake is all it takes for your time and effort goes to waste. With Luminos’ autosave functionality, you don’t have to start at square one. The plugin automatically saves a backup of your latest lighting tweaks every time you open it, letting you easily restore your previous work with a couple clicks.

By default, Luminos will store up to 10 autosaves. You can change this by typing in your preferred number of max autosaves.


Deleting Luminos folders in Explorer

Only do this if you want to remove all of your User Presents and/or Autosaves. These folders will be made again upon opening the plugin.

Installing User Presents

Insert the module for your new User Present into the User Presents folder.

Missing lighting components

If game:GetService("Lighting") does not have Atmosphere, Sky, ColorCorrection, or Sunrays, Luminos will push a warning into output reminding you that you are missing that component. The plugin will still load and save presents without error, just without the missing component.

Sharing User Presents

You can find the module for your User Present in Explorer, then save and share it as a model.

Where to find User Presents and Autosaves in Explorer

They are all located in ServerStorage under the Luminos folder. If the folder does not exist, open the plugin to create them.

© 2024 Glitching Dreams

This plugin is amazing!!! good work :pray:

1 Like

Thanks for giving Luminos a look! I’m glad it seems promising so far :smile:

I figure it would be a good idea to add demo images