LuminousTones | Perfect colors you need!

Hello Devolopers, This plugin have 50 different intresting color palette and 250 color options you can use!

Theese color palettes helping you to find matching colors to make your game look better, Here is a example use of it:

This is the map with non-matching colors

This is the same map after using the plugin

Example useage on UI

How to use it :

Just select the color code and paste it on color3 value (For example just select the “0, 0, 0” value) if you want pick a color just click on it.

Uptades and Pricing:

This plugin will have more color options in the future and intresting palettes. Sorry for the 100 robux price I can’t do that lower but I will not increase the price.

Last thing I want to say:

Of course you can find matching colors without using this plugin but the thing I want to say this pluging helps to beginner builders and UI creators.

Here is link to buy:


cant wait to pay 100 robux for a bunch of colors i could get for free already, :fire::fire::fire: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

Can’t wait to say diffrence between random studio colors and Matching color palettes :fire::fire::fire::scream:

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yeah it’s not like color theory already exists but ok.

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I could see this being helpful, but in its current state its not worth paying for since its trying to do something for a price, that theres alternatives that do the same and more, without a price. For example, Create a Gradient palette - Coolors

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@Oldhalit09 you should do something like that website, that would be mad useful to have in studio.

I’m sure it shouldn’t be too hard since as far as I know you can interpolate colors using the :Lerp() function, OH MY GOSH, you could even use tween service’s :GetValue() function to generate the pallets in different styles.

it would be so cool, it would be so awesome, it would be the most incredible thing.

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