LVMH | Staff Rank Descriptions

Sales Team

Sales Representative - The first rank you can achieve. Obtainable by passing the application at the application center, and tasked with aiding customers in purchasing the right apparel for them.

Senior Sales Representative - A senior member of the sales team with the same responsibilities and duties as a regular sales representative, but with more experience and know-how.

Sales Connoisseur - The second highest rank of the sales team. Expected to know the Homestore top to bottom and to help out with small requests if any staff members need help.

Proficient Supervisor - The highest rank in the sales team. Expected to help other sales representatives with anything and guide them along to ensure that they are doing this correctly, and help them succeed.

Management Team

Emporium Manager - Handpicked from excelling sales team members, or from outstanding applications when they are available. Emporium Managers are expected to keep the Homestore running smoothly, make sure staff are acting accordingly, and reprimanding them if necessary.

Senior Manager - A senior member of the management team, handpicked from the best Emporium Managers, and expected to lead shifts, lead staff, keep the store running smoothly, and keep other staff in line, and performing their best.

General Manager - Leader of the management team, tasked with overseeing the operations of lower-ranking staff members. Tasked with leading management training and meetings, as well as ensuring that the management team is working at its peak.

Executive Team

Executive Assistant - Tasked with aiding their respective executive in whatever task they may be working on at the time.

Chief Communications Officer - The relationship head. In charge of community events, engagement, alliances, and partnerships with other groups.

Chief Staffing Officer - Head of all non-executive staff members in the group. Tasked with ensuring the jobs of each position are clear, and ensuring that every position is filled sufficiently, and performing incredibly.

Chief Business Officer - Chief of the business aspect of the group. Marketing, commissions, everything involving currency involves the Chief Business Officer.

Vice President - The Vice President runs and oversees the executive team, ensuring that each and every member is doing their job the best that they can, and ensuring they have all the tools to do so.

President - Oversees the entirety of the group, keeping things running smoothly and providing staff with the best way to get their tasks done.