M̶i̶n̶i̶m̶a̶p̶ ̶C̶r̶e̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶[̶R̶o̶R̶e̶n̶d̶e̶r̶]̶ DEPRECATED

RoRender is not designed to handle textures in it’s current form, in the meantime I recommend using photoshop to give the plane textures.


That wouldn’t… ahh… hmm

Okay kinda a issue since most of the map is using textures :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks tho.

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NOTE: Java JDK 11+ removed the JavaFX module from it’s library, and it will have to be installed separately for the .jar to run.

The link in the original post should work as it appears to still be JDK 8, but if you are running later versions, you’ll be in for a bit of a headache, installing the JavaFX module and appending it your environment variables and then recompiling it in your IDE of choice.

I loosely followed this guide by JavaFX to get the .jar working for me:

Your Java JDK directory should be a System Variable named JAVA_HOME, and the the JavaFX SDK should have it’s subdirectory /lib/ as a System Variable named PATH_TO_FX.

I was having difficulty getting it to run in CMD with javac -jar RoRender.jar, and opted to repackage it in IntelliJ, which they outline in the link above.

Also, if you need to increase your memory allocation for large renders, run the .jar in CMD using:
java -Xms%ALLOCATION_IN_MB%m -jar RoRender.jar

Replace %ALLOCATION_IN_MB% with your amount of unused RAM, i.e. -Xms6144m for 6GB.


Hey that looks a lot like str- Oh, it is strucid! It looks 10 times cooler with this plugin! Great job!


You’ll have to be more specific about what you need help with. Follow the guide on the original post to get is all set up and configured

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ok so I did what u said. And I have the jdk but the jar file is not opening at all

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Cant get the jar file to run, something to do with javaFX? I have no idea how to use java, followed how to install the plugin, java all installed but when i try to run the .jar it does nothing.


Do you have Java runtime installed?


NOTE: Java JDK 11+ removed the JavaFX module from it’s library , and it will have to be installed separately for the .jar to run.

^ credits to bixbyalan

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I tried that, but instructions confusing.


So you don’t have Java Runtime?

If you don’t, I could run you through it.

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I tried rendering a mini-map 4 times, one with a different pixel per stud, and the other with water disabled. The other 2 were the same settings, but all of them rendered a black image.

I don’t really know what I did wrong. I managed to get it to work with a base plate, but with bigger maps, it does not work well.

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Try increasing your ray size, it should be a bit larger from the lowest point on your map to the height where rays are going to be fired from.


I have updated the plugin with a few more things such as;

Num Shadow Rays: Number of rays to calculate shadows (0 = hard shadows)
Shadow Ray Dis: Distance of ray to calculate shadows
Shadow Transparency = Transparency of shadows (0 = no shadows, 1 = black shadows)
Shadow Cone Angle = The cone angle to calculate shadows
Line Time Out = How long a line takes to calculate before giving it to another client.



pretty amazing, thanks widgeon, i can finally make a good minimap without having to spend 6 hours in photoshop

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Apologies for the late reply, but this did the job!

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Would this one day support meshes with textures ?

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Sorry for the bump but the instructions are vague and i want to export it as png would that be possible. Again sorry for the bump

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There are many posts in this thread about procedure, there are a list of instructions in the plugin widget itself, and there is the original thread on the original mini-map system with the original instructions for setup. You’re the first person to have a problem with it.

And it exports as PNG by default : P

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Alright thank you i might have to talk again if im having trouble rendering it thank you!

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The drag handle of your plugin seems to be broken.