My mac has been super laggy on specifically the script editor. Studio runs fine, but typing print(“Hello World”) could take a minute to load after I type it within 3 seconds. This problem has been going on for the last month and I have have been trying to solve it. I have tried re-downloading studio about 10 times and clearing other roblox studio things on my computer. Nothing helps, getting on my 300 dollar bad windows computer is better than using my 1.5k mac with way better specs. It makes no sense.
Does anyone have a solution? Is ROBLOX even trying to fix this???
I had this same problem as well. I tried looking for solutions but none of them worked. Don’t let that discourage you check the devforum for any solutions. If you couldn’t find the answer to your problem. I would advise downloading windows on your mac, It works perfectly.
well this worked for me but not everybody but go to ur library folder, go to preferences, search up roblox in that folder and delete those. then delete studio and reinstall that worked and if that doesn’t work just make a new user on ur mac
Have you considered re-downloading roblox studio? On the post Operatik shared, a guy claimed that it was fixed as soon as he redownloaded roblox studio.
Fixed it by reinstalling studio, it works now, thanks.
Also, that post still applies to this day. I assume that roblox is trying to fix the issue.
I also have a macbook mojave, I only have 6 gig space left out of 60 gig and the slowness is not that bad.
I am the author of the linked post @anon81993163 linked.
@kobrathejock’s only option is to backup his computer’s files on the cloud or a USB stick and do a factory reset. Re-downloading ROBLOX studio doesn’t work.
I have the same issues, but I found out that if you drag the script window out from the Roblox Studio Window, typing in the script works fine. For example, drag the script window onto an external monitor, or if you have an iPad, you can use SideCar which is a good option if you don’t own a second monitor.