Mac Studio new problems with Mouse

  1. Detection of MouseWheel inputs while using a trackpad is not even remotely accurate. The scrolling fires out of control in both directions with even the slightest movement. It also seems to
    indefinitely detect a backwards wheeling whenever I stop scrolling on track pad. This means I can’t zoom into first person, because the second I remove my finger from the track pad, it zooms me out slightly.

  2. Setting UserInputService.MouseBehavior to Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter does absolutely nothing in Studio. The mouse continues to move around the screen freely. This includes the default CameraScript not functioning correctly when zooming into first person-- the screen doesn’t pan because the mouse still moves freely. (Note: this only happens in studio, the mouse seems to lock as intended in online mode)

I’m on OS X 10.11.6
Both these glitches can be reproduced consistently by running a blank baseplate in studio and zooming in.

Any word on this? LockCenter not being functional is a pretty serious hinderance…