I don’t have any images at this time as I am not too sure what causes these to happen other than just running studio for a while.
List of encountered Mac bugs:
- Explorer and editor mouse pointer and also typing indicator disappears forcing a place close or restart of studio to re-appear.
- Explorer pointer will sometimes just highlight instances that are 3 or more higher than your current pointers instance its hovered.
- Too many instances/expanded instances can cause the explorer to teleport to a previous position unless you collapse instances. VERY VERY annoying bug.
I know these sound a little weird to you (hopefully not) but I will definitely be able to help a bit more when I can re-encounter these bugs again (I have 5+ times in the last week so not long <3).
Expected behavior
- My cursor and typing indicator to not disappear
- for the pointer to not highlight other instances within the explorer which are not hovered
- for the explorer to not just teleport around when too many instances are open and expanded within the explorer.
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