MacOS | Multiple Studio Issues

On my iMac, Studio has multiple issues all the time. It is still possible to develop, but barley. I am both a Scripter and builder. Building is definitely easier for me, as I can’t even type anything in the script editor with doing some crazy stuff. Some issues are :

  • Freezing for 15-30 seconds on auto save

Whenever my file autosaves, I am in a frozen state for about 15-30 seconds.

  • Opening Studio takes a while

Opening studio can sometimes take up to 5 minutes for me. Most of my friends manage to get it open in about 10-20 seconds.

  • Closing Studio takes a while

Same as opening studio, turning it off takes a while too, up to 5 minutes as well.

  • Running a Play Test

Sometimes, I can run a playtest in studio, but it takes a couple of minutes to load in. Sometimes, my studio completely freezes.

  • Opening & Closing Explorer, Toolbox, Properties, takes a while

Opening and closing those take a while. Whenever opening it, the place where it is supposed to appear turns into a black piece of the screen, and after 1+ minute it appears. Same with closing them.

  • Can’t Type in Script Editor

After entering one key, it takes a while for it to appear. I fixed this by dragging it into a new window, but there is still the occasional lag spike.

  • Lags upon Dragging / Resizing Window

Studio lags when I try to drag the window or resize it to a new position.

  • Inserting Meshes

Inserting Meshes takes quite a while too. Sometimes I crash, freeze, etc. When I click the Folder Button, thats when it happens. It takes a while to load, and a while to insert.

Those are some things, but the scripting part and playtest part is really bothering me the most.

  • Computer Specs

This happens whenever I’m using studio.

I got this Mac I believe somewhere in 2015-2016. Studio was fine, until I updated to MacOS Mojave. I believe Mojave is the reason these bugs are happening.


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