It’s been almost 3 months - this is how long I’ve been working on a cutting edge FPS Roblox game
There’s a lot of power packed in this project - tons of network / rendering improvements, a custom animation engine, and game mechanics that are simply plain awesome… Yet nothing far more difficult than the original Mad Paintball game which is actually still appreciated by pretty large user base.
With all that, this game just can’t work without some breath taking maps - I’m really looking forward to meet people capable of building maps of such quality.
Hence the “Mad” in the “Mad Paintball”. I’m not going to limit any of our creativity whatsoever - if it’s a cool gun somebody wants to make, then that we shall do.
As a result it’s sort of like a combination of paintball and airsoft.
I kind of mentioned this on Twitter already, but I guess I’ll let you know here as well as it’s quite important: Tranquillity’s revamp has some serious design issues. Some line of sights are too big (in the first picture you can literally snipe someone in the red base from the blue base) and there are a lot of places where you can go out of bounds. This is due to some objects having been replaced/changed, hills having been lowered and some paths having been changed in some areas. I’m planning on making a tutorial on map design in Roblox coming week in which I’ll probably use that map as an example, so you might want to keep an eye out for that.
I guess you can use this as feedback, but I also want to give an heads up to anyone who might want to be interested in making a map for your game; try to come up with a design which doesn’t heavily favor any specific kind of weapon. Map design is really important and can make or break a game.
I’m kinda bummed that you went for the traditional-FPS-realistic-guns style instead of going all-out with the “paintball” theme, but that’s just me. The map and UI are awesome though, and I know you worked hard on the gun animation system.
Also, stop using Valve sounds for shooters pleaaaase I’ve heard the same TF2 sfx in like 50 games by now
I think it’s weird that you call your game paintball but you have real guns, health, and gamey mechanics like sniper charge. The only thing paintball about this game is the hit effect.
Also not being able to sprint is super annoying, it takes way too long to get back into the action imo.
Those are some great suggestions. I haven’t really put too much time into finding the final sound assets or polishing game controls, but that will come eventually and will be as smooth as the animations we have.
I’m not sure paintball guns look like… real… guns…
Edit: I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, they look nice but it just seems a bit off for a paintball game.
Also might I suggest making the arms not black bricks and maybe have some arms like in Phantom Forces with rounded edges/corners and a texture. It makes for a more impressive/immersive first person experience.
I’ll tell you what: Mad Paintball was one of my favorite games ever on ROBLOX. My friend and I played that game until we were pros and blew probably 40,000R$ (20k each) collectively. It’s not about how much like paintball it seems, it was amazing. I loved the way the game felt.
I have two points to bring up: You sound extremely cocky about this game as if it’s going to completely transform the FPS genre on Roblox. Does it have some nice aspects? Yes, I won’t be the first to admit that it has some very unique elements that are hard to create. But is it anything new? Well not really, some popular games on Roblox already have what you covered and more on top of that so I don’t see this as anything game-changing.
As for the second point, how do you consider this paintball? Sure they’re shooting paintballs and everything is bright, playful colors, but ignoring those two points it’s just a shooter, not paintball. Everything in the game plays out like a shooter rather than the typical paintball game. The whole concept seems to be more of just an FPS that is trying to be paintball rather than paintball trying to imitate an FPS well.
These comments do not mean to be aggressive nor hate but rather critiques.
As to improve upon these two points, I think showing us visuals of what sets your game apart would be great as it would truly show us what makes your game better than others. And for the paintball aspect, I honestly would just gear this more towards an actual paintball game which would mean no death and the score would be shots hit rather than kills as that makes it feel more like this is supposed to be a war-style game that involves killing the opposition.
As for a positive point, I really like some aspects of your interface, it seems really clean, different and smooth.
Animations are 10/10 but like everyone else said, this isn’t a Paintball game. Adding ‘mad’ in the title doesn’t give you any lee-way because you have ‘mad’ in your other games but there’s nothing ‘mad’ about those games.
I’m not trying to bash on you, rather I’m trying suggest that you push towards actual bullets so that you don’t have this awkward question of ‘is this paintball or is it a military shooter?’
This game would be way better without those modern military weapons, they’re not even that well made in the first place so it’s not like there’s any incentive to keep them. Why not have some really creative ones, straight from the imagination? It’d make the title make a lot more sense and would be more fun in the end for everybody. You could give them cool names and features kind of like borderlands too. Everything about the scripted parts are looking great though!
I actually agree on this. The original Mad Paintball had general paintball guns for each player. While I would normally appreciate the open creativity, I’ve seen what people are saying on this thread, so I would suggest using paintball guns.
…paintball guns come in many shapes and sizes, why not perhaps instruct your team to make guns that actual resemble them?
Yes please. Borderlands guns can get pretty crazy and are pretty refreshing to see and stand out among all the realistic FPS guns that appear in games. They are pretty memorable especially when you see that one legendary drop that doesn’t look like any of the other guns.
All those glowing parts tho

When you see a Conference Call, you just can’t ignore it
As for everyone saying the game doesn’t look like a paintball game, I definitely get that and think that normal paintball - esc guns would suit the theme of the game better. But personally I think roblox “paintball games” have become more of a way of defining a gameplay style - a genre - than defining a game dedicated to recreating paintball.
Paintball games lately have more been about a game where all guns deal equal damage(as they do in real life), but have drastically different advantages/disadvantages based on rate of fire and spread and so forth. Only reason I’m stating this is because a lot of people are saying that the game doesn’t resemble a roblox paintball game. Just saying - the gun models aren’t what determine that. I think it could easily be described as a roblox paintball game even if the bullets weren’t shown to be paint. Obviously it wouldn’t be, because of the conflictions with naming the game a paintball game and not actually showing any paintballs, but I think that technically it would be the same type of game. Kind of a subgenre of roblox shooter.
The only reason I decided to write this and why I don’t really agree with people saying that the game isn’t a paintball game is I really don’t like the idea of a genre being creatively restricted. Plenty of paintball guns in real life resemble actual military weapons, not that I think it fits the theme of the game, but I think if he wants to experiment with it you should try and explain that you think he would be better off doing this or that - a few of the comments convey more “I think your idea is stupid” than “I think you should try this instead”. But hey, could just be me.
Anyways, I did see that you changed both the lmg and sniper models, and added some sexy animations to them. Great work. Something I think you could to to help sell them as paintball guns is add a feeder on top or an oversized barrel, although sci-fi esc guns fit the theme a lot better. I think the reason it seemed more like it was hurting the theme was only because it was going for more of a realism take, when the rest of the game is cartoony and colorful.
Sorry for the late response here as well, only just realized all of these posts were from 7 days ago. Oh well, hope this is still relevant.