MadAnticheat, protect your game from exploiters!


This project, along with the V2 of this project, have been replaced by my new anti-cheat (which is a big step up from the former anti-cheats). If you’d like to use this anti-cheat, you can find it here:

Quick PSA, I’ve pushed an update that will automatically download the latest files now, I highly recommend you update your copy!

MadAnticheat is a brand new anticheat that I’ve created, with hopes of reducing exploiters here on Roblox, as well as creating a system that is easy to install for developers!


In order to install MadAnticheat, please follow the instructions on the Github page linked below!
Github: MadAnticheat (


Once you’ve followed the installation instructions, navigate to the script, and find the Module Script placed under it called Configuration. There, you can configure the anticheat all you want!


Anti air hop
Anti speed


  • Screenwatch system for admins!
  • Anti air hop.
  • Anti speed hacks.
  • Easily configurable.
  • And much more on the way!


MadAnticheat will be dependent on my other module, BasicService ( It will be using this service to provide API in the future, so be sure to check for any API updates!
Side note: when the time comes to create a new API, the old one will not be removed, just depreciated.


It’s nice how this is a more general approach to an anti-cheat, although this doesn’t work on all games. Very good contribution!

This anti-cheat is not ready for production-use and here’s why:

The AC will get angry and not let you test anything the moment you spawn with no spawnlocations or if you spawn with the play button.

Just jumping can make the AC angry.

You can say goodbye to any admin system’s jump power or walkspeed commands, because they’ll be unusable.

Admins are not excluded from any of the AC’s checks and therefore suffer the same problems your players will.

Character checker will fail if a player has high ping

oh yeah the loader also doesn’t work because insertservice only allows you to insert assets by you or roblox


Alright, thank you for this! Please note, walkspeed commands will still work, as the plugin checks via incorporating the walkspeed value of the player on the server. I’m going to work on fixing this right now!

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this anticheat is very insecure.

your screenwatch system is useless and just displays mouse positions (not to mention the fact that you use invokeclient which every sane programmer discourages using for these types of checks).

you didn’t even wrap the invokeclient in a pcall/spawn meaning that if it errors your script will error therefore possibly breaking your actual UI.

this project has a nice name and has semi decent features but your method of execution for it was terrible. (not to mention you used loadasset)

this is however a lot better than the other resources that other programmers release such as fully clientsided anticheats.

overall rating 6.5/10, not as secure as it should be.


Only the screenwatch system and anti-lagswitch is client-based. All other systems run on the server.

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The loader should be fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience!

Please be more respectful on the forum. Sure, give feedback on how things can be improved and have a productive dialogue. Going after the developer like “your screenwatch system is useless”, “you use invokeclient which every sane programmer discourages”, “you didn’t even wrap”, “your method of execution for it was terrible”, etc. serves no purpose besides being rude. If you can have feedback, give it as feedback in a constructive way. Better yet, add a pull request to the GitHub repo that OP linked.

@ OP: Nice job making a step into anti-exploit development. This stuff is really useful for a lot of people. There are bugs, as has been pointed out. One suggestion as you’re developing the updates would be to really rack your brain so that you can try to predict and preempt as many special-use/edge case scenarios as possible (many of these were pointed out). A great anti-exploit is one that is strong and generally applicable to many games. Keep going at it though, this stuff is tough for a reason, but lots of people will appreciate both your finished creation and being able to see your lessons learned.


Why is it being deleted?
Also what is being deleted?

It looks nice, it’s sadly not coded in the best way, it’s gotta be more performance friendly for sure. I saw a portion in the server sided check…for “Zombie” where there’s a while-loop iterating every second and its running a :GetDescendants() within that. Some games have a TON of stuff in the workspace, so the server…running that for every player, every second, is gonna really cost a LOT!