Made a Coffee Booth

Hey everyone, today I tried making a small coffee booth, I’ve used 2 textures from the Professional Texture pack, and some models made by my friend!

This build was made just so I can work on my building skills and might be used in my portfolio.

The reference picture:

And here is the finished product by me:

Give me feedback and I hope you have a good day!


Looks good though perhaps you could slant the wooded slats at the top to match the roof in the reference and also make it a little more exciting/interesting (not sure what word is best)

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Happy to hear you’re working on your building skills, make sure to keep posted with your increasing skill, advancements. You did an awesome job! However, I am seeing a few free models (blenders, tile floor, computers), you should credit those creators in your description next time before posting this as your work. That being said, the rest appears to be yours. I like the name of your Coffee Booth, made me chuckle. You picked up on details other builders would’ve missed, or been to lazy to create, the slouch in the counter work. Few suggestions, like in the reference photo, if you’re going for a modern, stylish coffee booth/shop I would stick with modern textures and colors. For example, the black paint beneath Star Coffee compliments the white letters more than brown. You’re using brown for counters and other parts, so it is important to have a fair share of colors. I notice on your roof, the architectural beams are aligned with the wall top instead of expanding over. Personally, both on the reference photo and your build, I would expand the beams a little further out. Instead of the awkward metal shelf counter holding cups, you could rotate the shelf to face inside, and place cake-pops and other treats inside. Then, create a little rack, or small square stand to hold cups.
The fun thing about you experimenting with different build styles is you’re learning, which is all that matters. You’ll find yourself using color, detail and décor to your own taste and get the ropes of what fits and what can be added to make a build better before a finished product. Overall, you’re very talented and you did nice job! It looks great and I hope you keep up the good work!


Looks Cool!

I would add the two shelfs that are on the first image, I think It would make a bit better.

Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

Oh shoot, I love this. Looks really great in my opinion! My only suggestion, is to maybe add a part below those little wooden shingle things on the roof- so you have a legitimate roof below it yknow?

Absolutely love this, though. Both the concept and execution haha.

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good job keep it up can’t wait to see what you’re next build gonna be :slight_smile:

The tiles were credited as in the textures, not to mention the custom wood texture, but for the computer and blenders were asettss from my friend so I am not sure if they are a free model or not. But thank you for the suggestion and I will work on my skills!

I will rework this, and I will try to make it more awesome!