Made a crash/damage system thoughts?

No mesh deformation because thats too hard lol if you want more sneak peeks or are interested in the game progress and want to test out the game prior to release dm me


I like it but maybe add a little more effects on impact with flying debris, some smoke, and grab the crash instance material and colour for a little bit of the debris. Also player takes a little damage, and a part of the car will be unable to function. Obviously these are just suggestions so you don’t have to do them :slight_smile:


Agree with this, it looks slightly unnatural here, and you could hardly see the smoke.

That’s a really semi-realistic crash system though.

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These are really good suggestions my man Im gonna do the when you shoot the tire your car slows down what else should I do?

Also for the smoke there is already a smoke function there but I didnt record it, if you shoot the car at the front you can see it. As for the crash instance material and color for the debris how would that look like?

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Just flying scattered bits of glass, metal and the instance colour. If you wonder how you might grab the instance you crashed, here’s how I think about it. So the script detects when you collide with a part or instance going at a speed, just use a variable to possibly grab it. So I don’t know your script but I imagine you use an event so somehow find a way to transfer that to a variable.

Sorry for the late reply

I will add this in thanks!