Made a GFX for a game icon, but can't decide which one to use, if any at all

As the title states, I made my first GFX as an icon for my little game I’m working on, but I cannot decide what font to use. I would like to know which icons you may think are the most attractive to players.
These are the three icons I have made so far:
1(no text):

icon 2:

icon 3(current one I’ve settled on using):


The first one, all the other ones with the text feel out of place.


I personally find the icon 2 is best


That’s kinda the stance I have, but I feel that text on it would work if I were to just find the right font. Since I haven’t found the font of my dreams yet, I will simply go with the first one.

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The text is kinda hard to read. I do like the first one but the second one with all red would work

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If you are looking for my opinion, I personally would go with icon number one.

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Icon 2 with red text and a better background is best in my opinion

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So, something like this?


Yeah, but maybe add something behind the character, the background looks kinda empty.

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I think I might just use it despite that. The black background is really the only thing I can think of that’d look good(as my skill isn’t advanced enough for me to make any background that I’m truly proud of)


icon got rejected by ROBLOX moderation, so I’m gonna go with this recolored/slightly changed version

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Did it get content deleted or was it an hourglass? Kind of a quick response for something to get through moderation. Either way I guess that icon is about as good as the last one, though now the character looks a bit small.

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icon became the same as content deleted, but no moderation note/punishment.
The recolored version is using the same original image as the one with red text, but I assume the character feeling smaller is because I made the text bigger.

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I think you should have an outline or something in the background of your text to make it pop better.

for me, I chose the number 2 icon. Because number 1 is too blank. Number 3, the placement of the writing is not good. But number 2 is perfect :pinched_fingers:

I’m sorry but they all SUCK.
It doesn’t look scary or funny, nor attractive.
Just looks like a 2008 low quality game.

well that is unrespectful, but thats your opinion. I can’t say anything

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Ik I was harsh, but I beg you, don’t sponsor the game with this icon.
You can test it, it will fail for sure.

Perfect I totally go for that one

I prefer going over just number 1 instead.

It gives the vibe of a Mysterious Unique Game, cuz you know feelings matter alright and aside from that it’s a horror game that is full of mystery.

And if you were to choose the Second Option which is having a Texts then it kind of feels like Cartoony, even i who like to play Horror games might find it boring just by looking at it or something. Also if you insist on putting a Text then Make sure it is Clean and Neat and well Put Positions and the colors should be scary and not having a multiple colors at the same Words.

And the 3rd, its the worst one for me.

That’s all but the Picture is Good though, good job for that