Made a GFX for a group I'm in!

Anything I can improve on?

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Why is he so shiny? Is it supposed to be that way?

yes, went for a more classic style with this one.

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I think you should use a different font and move it a little bit more upwards. Otherwise, great GFX!

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I totally agree, I was using a free editing program which limited my font selection, But I’m trying to upgrade to photoshop soon!

If that was your intention with the thumbnail, I would keep it but I would change one thing though
maybe you could move the text in the middle to be bigger and in bold and make both of the fonts the same (I’d prefer the font with the ab on it)
I would also move the text to the bottom (you could probably move the ab text to the top or something)

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the text should be bolder, easier to see when its smaller, and the light could have a slight blue tint to add more blue into the whole gfx!