Made a GFX in 10 minutes

So I was scrolling through the dev forum and I saw a cake besides my name, so I thought it was my birthday or something? ( It isn’t ) So I made this quick render. I know it ain’t much but I made this while in online school so that’s something? Anyway here’s the render:![bv|690x388]

Feedback is appreciated!


I thinks it’s because today is your cakeday, aka the day you logged whit you’r account on this website.

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Oooh, well happy cakeday to me I guess.


looks good but you can also improve it by adding backround

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I don’t think there’s really a background that would fit with this except a scene which I didn’t really have the time to make.

Happy Cakeday to you, Happy cakeday to you, happy caaaaaaakeday to you, your gfx are cool too!
(hope it rhymes tho)


thanks a lot i will now eat a cake because i love cakes thanks a lot!

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It s really great. You use blender for make the GFX?

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Hahaha! Love it. I think there’s a cake on your name because it’s the day you signed up!