Made an Avatar customization that supports Layered clothing

I have created an avatar customization that also supports layered clothing items on avatars. It was kind of hard since there’s no property inside the humanoid description that the script can access to apply the layered clothing description unless you use something like SetAccessories(), which is a hard thing to come across in my experience.


(Don’t mind the lag.)

would love your feedback!

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idk if it’s intentional, but the shopping cart icon on the bottom doesn’t looks like it’s positioned very well? perhaps you should move the circle with the cart icon to the left until it doesn’t collide with the cylinder with the player’s head thumbnail.
Also, you should reduce the avatar customization border radius so it doesn’t look too round.
Plus you should remove the background of the $ icon, the cart icon and the X button on each items in the avatar customization ui.
Optional: make your border thin and make it white so it has dark and light colors.

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Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback on my avatar customization feature.
As you mentioned, the icons in the Avatar customization UI are in PNG format and do not have any background. Therefore, I respectfully disagree with the suggestion of removing the background of the $ icon, the cart icon, and the X button, as there will be no background if I remove them.

Regarding the shopping cart icon’s position, I appreciate your feedback, but I believe that the shopping cart icon’s current position is intentional and aesthetically pleasing. Moving it to the left may disrupt the overall visual balance of the UI. However, I will consider your feedback about the avatar customization border radius and the border color for future updates.

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. I appreciate it and will continue to work on improving the avatar customization.