Made some progress, looking for feedback

Made some progress since my last post. Any thoughts?

Final Version of the game intro:


It looks great! May I ask what’s this game you’re making about?

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I’m probably going to make it into a showcase.


it looks amazing, well done! i might play it if my pc doesnt lag

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Looks amazing! Is the brightness that bright as shown in photo one or is it the camera angle?

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It’s, uh… really flashy…Could you pipe down the brightness a notch?

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Woah looks cool! I never seen a game with this kind of aesthetic! Awesome goodjob! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I would say to prob lower the lighting cause it’s too bright.

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When looking in the direction of the sun it get’s pretty bright, I’ll be removing the light under the golden mushrooms to remove some of the brightness. It’s mostly the camera angle to answer your question.

The brightness has officially blinded me more than Discord light mode
Aside from the brightness, it looks pretty good

I’d decrease the bloom intensity. It’s currently making nearly everything look way too bright.

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