Magic System [KTS]

This is an official document of the Knights of the Sun Roblox group.

This document is about how the magic of our world works!

In this world, every living being lives on Suraa. Suraa is the essence of life, and creatures act as Suraa factories of sorts. Casters are people who have studied the arts of Manipulating their Suraa to create certain effects, and there are many different kinds of Caster, who each have a unique way of using magic.

Mages: Mages are the typical Spellcaster, they manipulate the Suraa from their soul, and use it to power their magic. Mages typically carry a Spell focus (e.g. A staff, Wand, etc) to channel their limited Suraa into a more focused form.

Warlocks: Unlike mages, who fabricate magic from their souls, Warlocks draw power directly from a deity or higher being, using it as a kind of Suraa battery. This allows warlocks to create stronger, but less accurate spells. Higher beings also have larger pools of Suraa, allowing many Casters to draw Suraa from them, and faster than they would from themselves. Warlocks typically don’t need spell focuses, as their attacks are naturally stronger, but they can still be used to make their magic less unpredictable, and safer to use.

Incantor: Incantors are similar to warlocks, in that they draw Suraa from another being. Incantors, however, take it from lower beings against their will. An incantor is a Caster that strips the Suraa from another living organism (People, Animals, Plants) to cast magic. This in turn will normally harm or kill whatever they’re drawing it from. Incantation is a type of darker magic, and isn’t practised by those with a sense of morality.

Power scaling system: A person can build up their ability to produce Suraa overtime through practise or special techniques, and the more Suraa a user has, the more powerful their magic is. Even if a person is not a Caster, their power (Physical and Magical) is generally based on Suraa; This means that great warriors generally have high amounts of Suraa, and (if possible for them to learn magic) would be very powerful spellcasters.

Cores: Cores are a type of Spell focus that changes the output of a Caster’s magic into a specific medium. In short, it makes your magic a specific thing or element. Cores can be quite rare, as they also allow the user to create more potent forms of that magic. For example, a Caster that specialises in Lightning themed magic, can use other types, but their magic is only as strong as they are. A caster who uses a Lightning Core however, will have all of their magic transformed into Lightning magic, but it can be more powerful than normal lighting magic. Cores are a staple in the world of magic, and improves power, while limiting versatility.

This concept was made by OneAceAway with help from KIllercroc928.