Hi all, I’m working on an A-Chassis plugin, and as per the title, it’s giving me an error:
Magnitude is not a valid member of Vector3Value "Players.saddleup_andride.PlayerGui.A-Chassis Interface.Values.Velocity
This is the script in question
local Car = script.Parent.Car.Value
local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.CameraEvent
local Seat = Car:WaitForChild("DriveSeat")
local Values = script.Parent.Values
while true do
print("round"..math.round(Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude * (10/12) * 1.09728))
print("ceil"..math.ceil(Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude * (10/12) * 1.09728))
This might be a bit of an https://xyproblem.info/ situation so:
You may have guessed I’m attempting to get the speed (in km/h, rather than obscure roblox units). I’m having trouble with converting it, hence this test script. I got the math itself from the AC6 Gauges script, but it’s not replicating in my plugin.