Magnitude of a LineForce

Could someone explain what the Magnitude property of LineForce is and how to use it?

Hi! So, a LineForce is used to apply a force along a line between two points. As the end points of the line move, the direction of the force will change accordingly.A LineForce will apply its force on the Parent of its Attachment0, but the location where the force is applied is determined by the LineForce’s ApplyAtCenterOfMass property.

When ApplyAtCenterOfMass is false, which it is by default, the force will be applied to the part at the Attachement0’s location. This means that if the attachment is not at the center of the part, it can create a torque on the part.

This is all you should know about it. If you dont understand something just ask.

What is the Magnitude property?

Magnitude is a mathematical term which can mean several things. In vector theory, magnitude is the length of a vector.


How does it affect the parts it’s attached to?

Hi, magnitude refers to the strength or intensity of the force being applied. For example, if you’re creating a line force to push objects away from a point or block, the magnitude property would determine how strongly those objects are pushed. Higher magnitude values result in a stronger force, while lower magnitude values result in a weaker force.