Main menu like apeirophobia

Is there any tutorial available for a main menu like apeirophobia has???
I need the room selection/creation system and I dont know how to make it.


give me more details. i’ll be giving you information to help


I need a main menu system, that has rooms that players can create, just like apeirophobia has

How do I make the same menu?


this could take too much time. so i could give the details i can.

they probably used a invisible sample frame in the rooms frame, that clones one visible displaying the room name choosed, and the players on it. im pretty sure they used UIListLayout to make the room’s frame automatically positions one behind each other.

i’d suggest you doing the whole thing using RemoteEvents. so you could use a “Create” button giving the information of the room and password to a server script, and trigger the events via player and server side to give information and do the whole thing.

tell me if i wasn’t unclear and sorry for my english.


I dont know how to do any of that, what I am asking is: are there any tutorials available for me to watch and copy?


You could use a simple table system such as:

_lobbies = {}

    _lobbies[Player] = {

lobbyJoin.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, TargetLobby)
    table.insert(TargetLobby, Player)

    assert(_lobbies[Player], "Player does not have a lobby")
    _lobbies[Player] = nil

This is just an example, you can connect the remote events to buttons or however you would like.


as i know, there’s no video tutorial in yt exactly of that kind of systems

so you could watch these tutorials to get the idea to do it with frames system like apeirophobia.

this could give you the basic idea.


As some of the users above me have said you need RemoteEvents/Functions, a Gui and tables

You either have really big servers sizes or manage the lobby information between servers

you make a table for lobbies and add a new lobby to it when a player creates one, you make the make it in the server with a remoteEvent.

when a player wants to load the existing lobbies, you :InvokeServer() with a remoteFunction that returns the lobby table, with that table you clone a lobby template and give it the proper information whitin the lobby, then make a connection to a GuiButton to fire an event to add a player to the table and also updating the lobby for each player by firing a remote Event but to the player

Finally, when the lobby creator decides to start you use another remoteEvent and then use TeleportService to get them to game place

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I dont need the servers, I just need rooms…

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You aren’t getting what are they talking about

They basically want you to store players in a table which will be the “rooms”

This here is a great example of how to do it:


When you join a Roblox game any roblox game, you join a server, the game is hosted on one of the servers that Roblox has