Hello! I am Noxyra, the Project Manager / Owner of an upcoming RPG game called Weaponcraft! We are currently aiming for somewhere between 25K - 100K concurrent players. We will be opening the game for Alpha mid March. Alpha will be paid (400 R$), funds made from Alpha will be put back into the game. So far 10M R$ or so has been invested, we have a large team of over 30+ devs including, two Investors, two Programmers, Modelers, Creative Director, Animators, Builders, & more!
What we need
We are searching for a programmer who is not only experienced but is a good listener and also mature. You must be at least 16 years old to apply.
You will need to program our Combat system, it will need to be very well-made and include all of our weapon types each having different play styles (scythe, spear, bow, etc). When hired, more details will be explained via Discord. If you decide to stick around or become one of our longer-term Programmers, you will have to code more systems for us.
You will also need to show examples of a portfolio or previous work.
Payment will be 65,000 R$ / week. Pay can potentially be increased depending on work quality and time spent. If you spend more time to include extra things into your code to really spice up the game and make things unique you can be paid more. Anything you do that is extra or helps out our team in more ways than what you were originally given can always get your pay raised!
If you’d like to apply for this position please message me on Discord at noxyra#7706 to discuss further!