Major Discovery issue with Roblox search

I have established relationships with most of the content creators that made the thumbnails for one of the games I own.

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This issue had been ongoing since October. My game were also removed from popular keywords or someetimes even related keywords. Still pretty pissed off, they haven’t fixed it properly after 3 months.

The issue is worse than you think. It affected more than just search. It’s the whole discovery system.


I am honestly surprised as to why this issue has happened in a game with a constant player count of 400-500, which is only utilizing “Recommended” tabs and sponsors.

This doesn’t make sense.

I lost properly that much amount of ccu after the hidden discovery changes.

The algorithm really needs a change.

The game has 12-14 minutes of playtime which is pretty decent and a good revenue rate yet something appears to be amiss.

When searching for it by it’s full name or it’s keywords it’s completely not there.

Game discovery has been an ongoing issue on Roblox for years now. I hope you get this looked at!

I’ve had similar issues, my game was a Tower Defense game, but when you looked it up in the Tower Defense category it never showed up for 95% of people, only for a few people it did.

It had 500-2.5k CCU varying through its prime (several years). It never got fixed. My game was mostly only ever found via Sponsors, which has been a broken mess as is.

But don’t worry, you can always easily find the top games like Adopt Me / Brookhaven! Because for some reason they need forefront prominence. And a helping hand in discovery as they ONLY have a measly 500K CCU.


After 12 hours, the game is still not appearing in the search results when searched by its full name, despite having 500-600 players.

After 16 hours, the game is still not appearing in the search results when searched by its full name, despite having 400-500 players, and I still didn’t receive a single response from Roblox. Also, I’m getting many reports by players who have been unable to find the game.

After almost 2 days, the game is still not appearing in the search results when searched by its full name, despite having 400-500 players, and I still didn’t receive a single response from Roblox.

Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate your issue.


Our game Poop Simulator slipped to around position 135 over the weekend, despite nearly 3 millions plays. Lots of other junk places show before our game appears in the list.

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Literally took me 30 seconds to scroll on alt account to find my game. While i was scrolling, there for no sense was for example saber simulator, undertale games and so on… Sponsor ad doesn’t work at all… What’s the point of me even bothering to make a non-toolbox game if there’s a small chance that it will “blow up”? Plus it’s time-tested that if you don’t transfer traffic from one game to the second, then in most cases you’ll have a game unnoticed for months.

According to roblox’s logic I should have 10000 robux and a clickbait preview, a super stupidly primitive game that has 10000+ competitors, have a successful project to help drive traffic, have a successful youtube channel/cry to youtubers in the comments begging them to come to my game?

All the banally stupid hints on the forum site suggest that either you spend a lot of out-of-nowhere robux that the game would take off, or should make a hundred videos about your game praying to God that the video would be watched by 100+ thousand people.

Oh yeah, don’t forget nowadays that roblox can close your game for inspection, followed by a sudden player drop/shadow ban, is that how roblox usage policy works?

The cherry on the cake will be if you make a successful game and your other main competitor doesn’t like it, he can just formalize on a black site “beautiful” thing called negative game statistic accrual, which will throw your game into the abyss, thanks roblox for the “deepest bonelessness” and empty promises, which after some time lead to scandals to such a level that a simple lie like “that search bar (or etc) will be fixed soon stay hyped” will not work anymore, and your 2,100-plus employees will seem like 18-year-old sophomores picked just to be there.


This is one of the most annoying issues, please fix roblox. :disappointed:


I am having a similar issue with my game. I have to scroll down for about 2 minutes before I find my game. Even if I type the exact game title my game still fails to show up and is way down the list below totally irrelevant games that the search algorithm shows. I used to be the 3rd result a couple months ago before this all happened.


yup, my game coming up slowly and slower…

I had a similar problem. A few days ago my game was around number 50 when you searched showcases (it may not seem that high but it kept a consistent flow of players), but after updating the game and icons it has slipped down to about number 300 despite getting amazing engagement in the last few days.

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Hi all,

Thanks for these reports. We are always working to improve our search system and surface relevant results. In most cases it takes time for engagement to build for a new experience and thus some time for it to appear toward the top of search results. We are working on ways to “boost” relevant experiences with less engagement history within search results and hope that those changes in the next couple months will aid in discovery of your experiences.

In the meantime, I recommend you check out Exact Search to find your experience within search and point others to it


Wouldn’t it make sense for a search engine to assume exact search, show the best match first (or at least in the first row if you prefer to boost featured projects) and add the rest of the results after…?

Nobody is using (or want to use) exact search these days, because people rely on search engines figuring out what they’re looking for. If someone enters “subway surfers”, they shouldn’t see “subway simulator” or “skibidi toilet surfers” as their first results.

Either way, really looking forward to those search improvements, because at the moment search looks pretty broken (dead baseplate experiences without the keyword outranking games with keyword in title and clearly higher KPIs).


This search engine issue is still happening. It’s been a week and despite my game having a high engagement, my game is still not appearing in search unless I use the translated version of it to search. ITS 2025 omgg

The search with quotes doesnt work either

Btw, the other game that is named to Go to my profile was named Ghost Tower, i renamed it as such because Ghost Tower appeared when Scary Tower is searched despite it being two different games, and Scary Tower does not appear in search at all.

There are millions of views on this game on my social media and the comments are full with them unable to find the game because of this. I’m losing alot of potential players cause of this.