Major unexplainable bugs in my game

I released my game, Brickbattle Reimagined, but there are three game-breaking bugs that I don’t understand

Proximity prompt issues
Sometimes proximity prompts just entirely stop working, until you die/reset

Item dropping issues
Sometimes when items are dropped, they spawn on the other side of the map for no reason

Character rendering isssues
Sometimes players appear to be floating in the void even though they arent

It would mean a lot to me if someone could playtest the game and possibly tell me how to fix these bugs.

( ✦ ) Brickbattle reimagined - Roblox


How do the players spawn in the map?

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Wdym? It’s just a spawnLocation

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You aren’t using :MoveTo(), or anything like that?

nope, just regular spawnlocations

are there tools or parts inside the character with weird positions

ProximityPrompts: Hard to solve without some code to look at.

Item Dropping Issues: Are the tools being spawned after they are dropped?

Character Rendering Issues: Screen shots might help or explain where to go to make it happen. Also, is this random, or when people are respawning?

turn off streamingenabled


Proximity prompts: I didn’t provide scripts because it is every single proximity prompt in the game that randomly stops working, I can provide code

Shop prompt

	if plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats").Coins.Value >= 100 then
		plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats").Coins.Value = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats").Coins.Value - 100
	local clone = game.ServerStorage.ShopItems:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Parent.Name):Clone()
	clone.Parent = plr.Backpack

Item prompt

script.Parent.ObjectText = script.Parent.Parent.Name

	local clone = game.ServerStorage.Swords.Tools:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Parent.Name):Clone()
	clone.Parent = plr.Backpack

Item dropping issues: It is just the regular item dropping system that roblox has.

Character rendering issues: what do you mean by when are people respawning?

I see nothing wrong with your ProximityPrompt scripts.

Did you check the Developer Console for errors, maybe some other script is crashing and causing everything to fail.

I couldn’t find any errors in the developer console either