Make a part always go in the direction you hit it?

Im making a system that makes the ball go in the direction u hit it, but if u go on top of the ball, it doesn’t go anywhere.

local angle = (ball.Position - part.Position).Unit

I know I sound a little confusing, but im trying to make it so that if u hit a ball even if ur 0.2 studs off the middle, it’s not gonna only move a little but, but it will move the farthest length for your angle

What is the part in this situation? And is the angle supposed to represent? You could modify the assembly linear velocity or apply an impulse to part.

part.AssemblyLinearVelocity += angle*100


local direction = ball.Position - part.Position
local horizontalDirection =, 0, direction.Z).Unit
if horizontalDirection == then
  direction = part.CFrame.LookVector
  horizontalDirection =, 0, direction.Z).Unit