Make a part not deal damage to a specific player

Hi! I want to make a system that makes a sphere whenever a player presses “E” that does damage to everyone except the creator.

I currently have the system in place (Code Below) but I cannot figure out a reliable way to make that sphere not do damage to the person who placed the sphere. Can anyone help?

local HitBox = script.Parent
local Caster = script.Parent.Caster.Value

local function hurtPlayer(otherPart)
	local partParent = otherPart.Parent
	local humanoid = partParent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if humanoid then
		humanoid.Health = humanoid.Health - 10


The Caster value is correctly setting it’s value.

local HitBox = script.Parent
local Caster = script.Parent.Caster.Value

local function hurtPlayer(otherPart)
	local partParent = otherPart.Parent
	local humanoid = partParent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if partParent.Name ~= Caster then
		if humanoid then
			humanoid.Health = humanoid.Health - 10


This is some previous code I made to solve this issue, for some reason it doesn’t work and doesn’t hurt anyone.

Try using prints inside your if statements to print out what values are being recieved and what caster is

What this variable is actually doing, is legit saving the Value of that Value Object when you start to simulate the Play button, so unless if you’re Parenting it until later use it’s always gonna return back nil no matter what cause there’s nothing being assigned to it unless if there’s a Instance it can store

Instead, try just referencing the Caster alone and not the Caster.Value so that you can check it for later use when checking for the name

And 1 more thing, if you’re handling all of this on the client it will not replicate to the server because every individual client is set up differently, so each one of them is going to see different outcomes

If you want to combat this, use a RemoteEvent instead so that you can call an action from the client when necessary, and fire it to the server (And vice-versa) when it’s needed

-- Client Side --

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local HitBox = script.Parent
local Caster = HitBox.Caster

local function hurtPlayer(otherPart)
	local partParent = otherPart.Parent
	local humanoid = partParent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if partParent.Name ~= Caster.Value then
		if humanoid then

-- Server Side --
local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Plr, TargetHum)
    TargetHum.Health -= 10

Hi! I would like to ask where to put these scripts and what types they should be?
This is my current configuration but it doesn’t seem to be working. I’m aware its probably a very simple fix but I am dumb.

Not sure why you have 2 RemoteEvents in there

It depends on where you exactly place the HitBox Objects, for the “Server” script you have there in the HitBox, you can just simply put it inside ServerScriptService alone cause the OnServerEvent will know when Events are being firing from the client so there’s no need to be Cloning it multiple times

I’m pretty sure LocalScripts work fine provided they’re parented (Or a descendant) to the Character, so I’d recommend adding a couple of print() statements to debug what does and what doesn’t exactly work

All you have to do is this:

if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character).Name ~= unwantedPlayer.Name then
 -- your code here