Make a part parented to ReplStorage move with his attached part

Basically the thing I want to achieve is that I want an optimization for moving parts by tween: putting the part on ReplicatedStorage when too distanced, but the part needs to move also on ReplStorage with his attached part
Here’s an example:

Orange is moving part, it doesnt need to be parented to ReplStorage, but the blue yes

when near the blue part is visible and is moving with the moving part

when too far the orange part needs to be visible, but the blue part is now on ReplStorage but still moving with the orange part

I need a solution for this, because when I try the part on ReplStorage doesnt move, even with a rigid constraint. (for the blue part parent there is an object value, but if that doesnt work you can change)

Any solutions?

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if you also move the other part with scripting?

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but how? The script I have works only with one moving part. I can try putting that on the local script and try to find the moving part of his original model, but I need to find a way to teleport a model without having a PrimaryPart

well anyway I think that’s the best thing to do

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