Make a Round Timer?

Hey, I’m trying to make a round timer for my FPS game. A UI that displays a timer until the round ends. I don’t need to have to select a random player for a killer, or something like that. Just a normal Round system that counts down till it’s done. How can I find a perfect Tutorial?

Have you tried looking on YouTube - or other answers on this forum?

Realistically, for a very basic system all you’d need is something like this:

local x = 10 -- some number

for i=1,x do
  some_Gui.Text = tostring(i)

Or similar, you could use any loop.

I’m pretty sure there are modules for more complicated systems though.

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I would probably write it somewhat differently, but as you say, any form of loop works fine.

function updateUI(timeLeft)
	-- Code to format the time left into MM:SS:sss

local roundTimeLeft = 60 -- Reset timer

	roundTimeLeft -= task.wait(1) -- Subtracts the amount of milliseconds passed
until roundTimeLeft <= 0

Hey, if you’re using this as a server timer instead, you can make this in the server:

local roundTime = 100 -- seconds for example
function startRound()
for i = 1, roundTime do
roundTime -= 1
if roundTime == 0 or roundTime < 1 then
roundTime = 100 -- Restarting the round, however you can do whatever.
startRound() -- Restarts timer
break -- ends the current loop

On the client:

gui.Text = "Time Left: " .. tostring(T) .. "s"

The script does not work for some strange reason :frowning: