Ok so, i have a script which makes a car follow a specified racing line around the track, it works great but the problem is that it starts going side to side from the line, eventually just crashing.
i already tried doing a “buffer zone” which somewhat works at slow speeds (for some time), but when the car picks up more speed it becomes useless and the side to side problem rises yet again
External Mediaim trying to see if theres a possible and effective way to make the car countersteer when turning into the line
while true do
local closestPoint = nil
local minDistance = math.huge
local carPosition = LineFollower.Position
for _, linePoint in pairs(Lines:GetChildren()) do
local distance = (linePoint.Position - carPosition).magnitude
if distance < minDistance then
minDistance = distance
closestPoint = linePoint
if closestPoint then
local difference = closestPoint.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(LineFollower.CFrame.Position)
local steer = difference.X
if steer ~= nil then
seat.Throttle = 1
-- define buffer zone boundaries
local leftBoundary = -bufferZone
local rightBoundary = bufferZone
-- check if car is inside buffer zone
if difference.X > rightBoundary then
-- turn left
seat.SteerFloat = -1
seat.TurnSpeed = origturn
elseif difference.X > -rightBoundary then
seat.SteerFloat = -0.5
seat.TurnSpeed = .1
elseif difference.X < leftBoundary then
-- turn right
seat.SteerFloat = 1
seat.TurnSpeed = origturn
elseif difference.X < -leftBoundary then
seat.SteerFloat = 0.5
seat.TurnSpeed = .1
-- straighten the car
seat.SteerFloat = 0
seat.TurnSpeed = origturn
seat.Throttle = 0
seat.Steer = 0
heres the script that i use