Make alerts and notifications more visible

As it stands, light blue notifications with white text (new post, replies, etc) next to light blue text over a white background is very hard to notice. A notification should stand out. With orange/red being the colors of the forum logo and would be a lot more noticeable

You can turn on Browser Notifications. Go to your preferences and set Browser Notifications on for this to work :smile:

I did that already, but I like to binge-read new posts in my spare time and I find it very painful looking at the new post alert thingies, .badge-notification.unread-posts {
    background-color: #FF3F3F;
    color: #f8f8f8;
    font-weight: normal;

Just put this into Stylish for and tada, easier to see. I don’t like how light the notifications are either.

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No fix for mobile