Ik that I’m bad but ^^’
I’m trying to modify this admin system : Abd’s Admin Panel v1.rbxm (21.1 KB)
by BankrollAbd
This is the admin panel I modified :
So the moderation GUI is perfect, but I would like to add a custom one for SCP game (such as Team me, give… ) So I started with the “TEAM ME”. So here is the part of the script I modified (in SSS, Setting script) :
elseif event == "SCPME" then
if getAdmin(player) and not getAdmin(game.Players[target]) then
local tar = game.Players[target]
if Config.WebhookLogging == true then
tar.Team = Team.args
Well, I have the 2 text box, but when I enter the Name of the player and the team name (Suppose to place the player name on the written team) it does nothing
So this is the panel.
When we place a name, and the name of the team in Content, it’s suppose to get the nme placed inside, and place the player name in Target in the written team
local giveButton = --create the variable of the button
local target = --variable of the target box.Text
local team = --variable of the content box.Text
local player = game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(target)
player.Team = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(team)
Ty Imma paste it in the Setting script of SSS, justg didn’t know how to get the text inside
– Edit –
I’m ot sure if it’ll work, cuz it’s 2 differents script, and To give the information it uses this :
elseif event == "SCPME" then
if getAdmin(player) and not getAdmin(game.Players[target]) then
local tar = game.Players[target]
if Config.WebhookLogging == true then
tar.Team = Team.Args