Make animations in welded train

Hello, i’m making a train with animated doors. The train relies on physics to move, so I use a weld script to weld all the parts. The thing is, with the welds, door animations don’t work.
I’ve tried to play the animation with the train anchored without welds, and it works perfectly, so the issue is in the welding or anchoring of parts.
Any advise?

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Did you use normal welds and not WeldConstraint?

If you did use the normal weld, that means it will stick to the part and behave like the anchor function.
Use WeldConstraint as it doesn’t have the anchor function and that it still sticks to the part.

yes, the weld script uses normal welds, i’ll try to do it with constraints.

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Thanks, it worked, but now I have another problem, the animation only plays when I seat on the driver seat, does not play when i’m not seated and neither on the server.

This is what happens:

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Any scripts that are only activated when a player is seated?

Only the train gui is given by the seat, but for testing the door i’m using a ClickDetector on the door itself, so I think it isn’t related