Make BlurEffect not effecting a model

Hello! so im trying to make something like Anime Adventures unit view, like in this image :

as you can see, the unit is not effected by the blur behind him.

it cant be Depth Of Field since it only works on some Graphics Modes, and it also cant be Viewport Frame since it cant emit particles.

so if anyone know please help me :slight_smile:

It’s a viewport frame using WorldModel for the model, as for the particles you’ll need to find a module that implements that.

it cant be viewport frame since i remember when i was playing the game, it can pass through workspace objects like it can be covered by them the objects, same like Anime Last Stand thats likely uses the same system but got no blur like in this image :

Then they’re probably constantly moving the model infront of the camera

what do you mean by that? i was also using that stuff to move the unit to the player camera, but i want to know how to do the blurring system

Probably a system like that of Pet Sim X where it uses depth of field and just slams the model centimeters in front of The players’ camera.

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You use a loop to constantly have the model be a few centimeters away from the camera, then use depth of field to blur out the background.

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nevermind for anyone thats going to reply this post :sob: the game was indeed using DoF from what my old recorded videos looks like, sorry and thanks for anyone thats was trying to help :pensive: :pray:

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