Make cars steering wheel match wheels angle

I want that the cars steering wheel matches the wheels angle when turning.

I have tried HingeConstraints with the actuator type to servo but i couldn’t get it to work, i even looked everywhere on the internet and devforum, i just saw one where he said to use hingeconstraints but i don’t know how to make it match the wheels angle, yeah i think i know how to script it that it moves when you press a or d but my car is a car which supports mobile, pc, and gamepad. i don’t know how to make the steering wheel turn for mobile, so thats why i want to know how to make the steering wheels angle match the wheels angle.

I would be extremely happy to find a solution, because ive been trying to find out how to do this since a week.

I use HingeConstraints for a lot of steering and steering wheels. When the steering input is detected you set the wheel hinge to the desired angle, and the steering wheel to the same angle.

Look at the Roblox documentation. SteerFloat is an input that handles partial steering (not like Steer which is only 1, 0, or -1).
You can multiply your steering angle by the SteerFloat to make it only move partially.

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