Make Developer Verification Easier

This is kind of a both Roblox website feature suggestion and DevForum suggestion.
But, I think inside of the the Roblox Creator Dashboard, we should have a Developer Verification option. I’m pretty sure everybody has seen that nice, blue, and blocky verification badge next to some big developers names and wondered, how could I get that? Well I think we should have a Developer Verification option so that small creators have a chance to get verified aswell.

Here are some requirements I think should be included:

  • Developers must have a minimum of 1,000,000 visits on any of their games
  • Developers must be an active Member or above on the Roblox DevForum
  • Developers must have a verified email address
  • Developers must verify their age on Roblox
  • Developers must be 18 years of age or older
  • Developers must be a member in good standing, having complied with Roblox’s Terms of Use

If the Developer meets all requirements, they should then be able to request verification and within 7-14 business days, the Developer Relations Team should go over all applications and decide who gets verified.

If the Developer’s application is accepted, they should receive an email to claim the Verification Badge on their Roblox profile.

In addition to that, I think all Verified Developers should have a verified badge in the Roblox DevForum or at least a flair and title.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, and I hope this idea gets considered.

Have a wonderful day!


This will not work, the whole point is to have less than 1% of all developers verified, these criteria simply allow any developer with 1k visits who is 18+ to get the badge which is simply too many developers! 1k visits is not-only easy to bot but also easy to get without opening Studio at all! The criteria is also likely currently not stated so that it cannot be botted. If everyone has the badge, the point of the badge is worthless.


“Hello guys, welcome back to my youtube channel. Today I’m showing you how to get developer badge in less than a day without any experience!”


Ok, that’s way too easy. You can literally rig that.

Some developers aren’t that active on DevForum.

I don’t see the point behind this one.

If you want to improve this, please don’t try and exclude non game developers. UGC creators, star creators and developer marketplace creators should be included.


Hi, we are not planning on adding a verification badge on the forum specifically.

I recommend posting about your problem (rather than proposed solution) in the #feature-requests:website-features category if it’s about Creator Hub rather than the forum.