Make gun Point Towards Player's Mouse

I am trying to make a gun point towards the player’s mouse but I can’t find out how to. I have already tried searching other topics but none of them worked.

This is what currently happens:

Here is the code:

local Character = Player.Character
local ToolHandle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle")
local MouseLookVector = Mouse.Hit.LookVector
ToolHandle.CFrame =, MouseLookVector)

why do u use lookvector? just use mouse.hit.p if u are using vector3 but if u are using cframe use mouse.hit


Have you tried doing something that was along the lines of this?

It would need tweaked obviously for the ToolHandle, but other than that this will stop your brain hurting from inverse kinematics.

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For some reason I am getting this error and I can’t fix it.

Here’s is the code:

local ToolHandle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle")
local HandleOrigin = ToolHandle.C0

It’s either looking for Motor6D or WeldConstraint