Make hinge more rigid (snap to position)

I’m trying to make a wheel that spins utilizing a hinge constraint, my current method is using an angular velocity with a hinge constraint. This option seemed to work perfectly until I realised that the wheel tends to lag behind:

if you know how I can fix this or possibly any different methods to rotate the wheel it’d be greatly appreciated.

Here’s the set up:

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maybe this lag is caused by differences in network ownership? try strictly setting the wheel’s network owner to the player holding the barrel (you cant change the network owner from the client)

I’ve tested on the server with no clients, the issue appears to be due to the fact that hinge constraints don’t instantly set the position of the part.

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yeah ive noticed the physics for HingeConstraints will sometimes seem more janky and can cause the assemblies to separate after one of the assemblies experiences sudden acceleration

Are you waiting a few seconds before testing in studio? Physics seems to be one of the last things to load in.
In places with lots of Constraints I usually have to wait about 10-15 seconds until it loads in completely before checking their operation.

Try using the Motor of the HingeConstraint to spin it instead of the AngularVelocity to see if that helps.

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I believe its because the wheel are rotated to a character which uses CFrames to rotate.

Hencr CFraming the position on .Stepped or after physics simulation to correct the physics results should work.

Eventually I just ended up using a Motor6D to get it to work because hinge constraints just don’t attach instantly like a weld.

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