Make invisible decal cast a shadow?

I’m trying to make shadow figures with the future lighting environment. The most convenient way to do this would be by using decals. The issue is, the shadow completely disappears after the decal’s transparency is set to 0.75.

I have tried using glass parts to make the decal invisible while still casting the shadow. This eliminates most of the issue. The glass still reflects onto the light at certain angles.

The last alternative I’ve tried is using forcefield parts with -inf transparency. This will be what I’m resorting to if there’s nothing else I can do about it. However, I highly prefer not doing this due to the performance implications of meshes and unions.

The solution I’m looking for is how I can be able to cast decal shadows without the decal itself being visible, IF it’s possible?



It’s possible like one of the @Maximum_ADHD models called first person shadow which make shadow without body visible


Why not make a fuzzy black decal the shape of your figure and put it on a Transparent Part on the wall?

That could be done if ur game is not realistic but if it is then try to use some viewport

It’s extremely tedious to do it that way (considering roblox’s moderation system, it doesn’t have to be said that anything innocent can still be declined). It would also just be on a plane and not actually cast as a shadow. I do appreciate the suggestion though.

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Can you elaborate on your reference to viewports?
Just see this code he might have used the viewport I guess or might be wrong

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