As a Roblox developer, when working with larger combinations of particle emitters, it’s too difficult to at-a-glance identify particles with the Enabled property set to false. This would help us develop particle effects faster because we will sometimes end up in situations where one particle isn’t appearing correctly and it may take a while to identify why (it’s disabled). If there was an easy to way to identify this without clicking on it and checking the Enabled property it could speed up development because the time lost in this situation can add up if the developer fails to identify the problem quickly.
One possible solution could be to have a unique icon for particles that aren’t enabled so it’s easier to identify them, similar to scripts with their Disabled property.
This seems like a more general suggestion for anything with a Enabled or Visible property.
Regardless of what I’m working with, be it ui, effects, modifiers. I find myself looking through a long list 1 by 1 to find and identify which are not just disabled but also enabled for primarily debugging purposes.
Totally, I’d love if this was solved for other objects too. Just following the feature request format because I only had an obvious use case for the problem I was encountering.
The problem with this is it requires us to take additional time screening every single instance and checking if they’re enabled which becomes an issue when you have a lot of emitters. there absolutely should be a way to immediately tell at a glance from the explorer that it is enabled or disabled.