As a Roblox Developer (personally), often I get confused on where to find people “for-hire” as the #collaboration:portfolios category represents a list of work/experience done and not generally somewhere to look for hiring people.
It would be useful for me and a lot of other developers if we added a #collaboration:for-hire category. Those that are looking for work can simply link their portfolio thread, and explain payment and other relevant details in the for-hire thread.
As an additional feature, it would also be nice for said categories to have a special “Close” feature, allowing the owner of the thread to close their topic when they are not for hire anymore.
#collaboration:recruitment is for finding and posting job offers. #collaboration:portfolios is for advertising your services and finding and potentially hiring individuals (some aren’t for hire). I don’t believe we need another subcategory, and in general #collaboration doesn’t need any more attention considering the talent hub is out, despite in private beta. But eventually it will be public once everything is ready.
Hm, I do see your point here. As an alternative, you can always post a recruitment thread.
That’s also true. A special tag or simply putting “[FOR HIRE]” in your portfolio thread would also work.
I guess an entire sub-category would be a bit too much, but it would still be nice to have a more clear clarification on who is for-hire and who is not, such as an enforcement of a hashtag or a specific title.
As incapaz said in the post above, #collaboration:portfolios is for your personal portfolio where you share your work with people. If you want them to know if you are for hire or not just add a (OPEN)/(CLOSED) tag at the title of your portfolio.
That sounds like you don’t know, but you can already add that tag to your posts