Make money off of free models

Once for sale the model could be locked and maybe the contents of the model can’t be edited unless by the creator.

I don’t see any reasonable solution to selling free models.

  1. The issue of preventing duplicates isn’t solvable yet. You can find stolen assets all over the internet.
  2. Free models often don’t match my aesthetic and I only want to use them for prototyping (so, not paid)

I think contracting artists to make what you want is a better solution in the long run. Although we definitely need a better way for these contractors to advertise their services. It’s taken me years to build up a library of contacts.

About the copying problem - there’s no need for a solution, most of the time it would be kind of like selling GFX, you wouldn’t & shouldn’t care if somebody sells a model for a cheaper price if you’ve already made your profit. Even though this might not work for every case, it’d work for most of them.

If you’re selling as a one-off kind of deal, you’re right – there’s not really a problem. As I understand it though, this feature request is more so requesting the ability to sell the same model over and over like a piece of clothing or an accessory.

Well yeah but wouldn’t the actual feature just be the same? Like… just allowing to sell models?

Another really important this would help with would be scamming, quite often people ask for maps, get them built, then whether don’t pay or don’t give the model, and if you were looking for a map, you’re not gonna re-sell it… Same with many other things.

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In my philosophy having the option is better than not having it. There will always be people who steal of course, but the creator can confront them and guilt-trip. Also, I (personally) really like the satisfaction of seeing the “owned” next to something. Not only does it show you are legitimate, but it also shows you’re a professional, serious developer.

And this is definitely better than hiring a contractor because the price of a model will be much less since re-selling is allowed.

What they should really focus on is why the Free Models section is broken lol.


I think they made the search not return the direct keywords on purpose and instead use a “better” algorithm to find “higher quality” models to hide the stolen ones.

Personally I don’t like this either.


Yep – they talked about this during RDC US in the Client/Studio QA panel. They’re constantly monitoring how successful the search algorithm for the toolbox is (how often people insert the first item returned) and are working on improving it.

So that’s where I remember it from XD

Even if the moderation was flawless, models would STILL be leaked - here’s why:

RBXM. If somebody buys a model, then saves it as a rbxm, the rbxm doesn’t need to go through roblox to get to the next person; it could go through a discord server or a chat or something. 3D Previews would be impossible because if you start a browser with 3D Ripper DX then you can steal the 3D preview, and then rebuild it based off positioning data from the rip. Nobody’s safe D: