You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
A plane that goes forward.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
How do I make it go forward infinetly?
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
No solutions on the dev hub. I have already looked on youtube, it is just “get this free model”.
while task.wait() do -- this code should prevent the plane from falling
Plane.PrimaryPart.AssembilyLinearVelocity =,0,z) -- fill the x and z cordinates with your own
Plus I would advise you to provide more context as you aren’t aloud to make others make you stuff for you.
Again you provided no context towards how you wanted the plane to be made, and no I’m not going to make an entire plane system for you. I would atleast advise you to try and make something on your own first and then ask the forum if you get stuck on something.
I am not asking for an entire plane system. I am asking how you make an object go infinitely forward.
local config = require(script.Config)
local Variables = script.Variables
local Plane = script.Parent
local Gear = script.Parent.Gear
local Canopy = script.Parent.Canopy
local Flaps = script.Parent.Flaps
local Tail = script.Parent.Tail
_G.player = plr
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
if Variables.Engine.Value == false then return end
if Variables.Engine.Value == false then return end
if Variables.GearDeployed.Value == false then Gear.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage return end
if Variables.GearDeployed.Value == true then Gear.Parent = script.Parent return end
if Variables.Engine.Value == false then return end
local currentPivot = Canopy:GetPivot()
local openPivot = currentPivot * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(65))
local closedPivot = currentPivot * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(-65))
if Variables.Canopy.Value == true then canopyOpen() return end
if Variables.Canopy.Value == false then canopyClose() return end
--// FUNCTIONS \\--
local open_track = Canopy.AnimationController:LoadAnimation(script.Animations.CanopyOpen)
local close_track = Canopy.AnimationController:LoadAnimation(script.Animations.CanopyClose)
local lock = true
function moveForward()
local root = Plane.PrimaryPart
local speed = Variables.Airspeed.Value
root.CFrame = root.CFrame + (root.CFrame.LookVector *,0,0))
function canopyOpen()
if lock == false then return end
open_track:Play(0, 1, 0) --Will restart the track at the beginning, fadeIn 0 so it immediately has appropriate weight, speed 0, so that it pauses
open_track.TimePosition = open_track.Length - .000001 --Something small enough that it's not truly at the end, causing a reset
function canopyClose()
lock = false
lock = true
--// GUI \\--
local ui = script.PlaneGui:Clone()
ui.Parent = _G.player.PlayerGui
while true do
Variables.Altitude.Value = Plane.Body.CFrame.Y
local altitude = math.floor(Variables.Altitude.Value)
ui.MainBar.Altitude.Text = "Altitude: "..altitude
local gearVal = ''
if Variables.GearDeployed.Value == false then
gearVal = 'Up'
gearVal = 'Down'
ui.MainBar.Gear.Text = "Gear: "..gearVal
ui.MainBar.Gear.Text = "Flaps: N/A"
local canopyVal = ''
if Variables.Canopy.Value == false then
canopyVal = 'Closed'
canopyVal = 'Open'
ui.MainBar.Gear.Text = "Canopy: "..canopyVal
I’d suggest you look into plane kits that are already available on the Roblox toolbox as many of them will provide you with what you’re looking for! And you will be able to learn from them as making an object move forward in the way you want it to can be ticky without lots of experience using body Gyros and other constraints like that
function moveForward()
local root = Plane.PrimaryPart
local speed = Variables.Airspeed.Value
root.AssembilyLinearVelocity = root.CFrame + (root.CFrame.LookVector *,0,0))
It’s pretty clear that you aren’t much of an experienced programmer as the code you provided clearly is largely out of date. I would recommend learning more about how to actually program in Roblox Lua before heading on into something like this.
Although I would recommend using LinearVelocity which can be used to move the plane as a physics object and try to make a system from scratch.
Really? 4 Years? and you still don’t know how to make a simple plane go forward and provide almost zero context? Did you really learn anything from those 4 years?
I’m not trying to start an argument, I’ve never made any type of vehicle in studio. There is not really much to share, all I’m asking is how you make a normal part go forward infinitely. I have already tried several things which didn’t work.
I am very sorry about my past behavior, but I will provide this place which includes a part that will infinitely move forward and say in the air Place2.rbxl (45.9 KB)