Make packages more like Unity's prefabs

This proposal is intended to be paired with this, but both are technically independent:

Current behavior

  1. Make a package
  2. Make a change to the package
  3. You are forced to upload the entire package before being able to publish your place

Proposed behavior

Based off of Unity prefab behavior

  1. Make a package
  2. Make a change to the package
  3. Your package notes that you’ve changed a singular property or multiple properties, but an update to the prefab is not necessary
  4. You can upload singular property changes or the whole package if you choose to
  5. You can revert singular changed properties - this means that you can easily create and update variants by having a default package


There are currently various bugs with packages that completely destroy workflow. One of these bugs is a floating point error, which is a pretty difficult thing to work around.


Making it so that packages could be altered without needing to update them gives two big benefits:

  • Resolves the above bugs (for workflow, doesn’t solve them completely)
  • Allows people to create variants (destroyed versions, different colors, etc) of their prefabs without being forced to upload them