Make parallax stay still

I am trying to fix my parallax sights in my VR game. I haven’t been able to stop them from following the eye (camera). I need them to stay still. I used this tutorial to get a basis on parallax a few months ago.

Issue (following eye):

What I want to achieve (stay still):


local CameraCF = camera:GetRenderCFrame()

		local ScopeViewEndCF = Part.CFrame *,0,studs)
		local ScopeFarEndCF = ScopeViewEndCF *,0,0)

		local ViewToCam = CameraCF:ToObjectSpace(ScopeViewEndCF)
		local FarEndToCam = CameraCF:ToObjectSpace(ScopeFarEndCF)

		local DistFromClipPlane = ViewToCam.Z

		local U_OFFSET = FarEndToCam.X/FarEndToCam.Z * DistFromClipPlane - ViewToCam.X
		local V_OFFSET = FarEndToCam.Y/FarEndToCam.Z * DistFromClipPlane - ViewToCam.Y
		local OffsetCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(ScopeViewEndCF.Position, ScopeViewEndCF.Position+ScopeViewEndCF.RightVector) *, V_OFFSET, 0))
		local OffsetCFrameLocalized = ScopeViewEndCF:ToObjectSpace(OffsetCFrame)

		Right.Position =, (OffsetCFrameLocalized.Z * pps), 0.5, -OffsetCFrameLocalized.Y * pps)

I’m confused, they both look the same to me. Could you elaborate?

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The one I made follows the eye instead of projection into the end of the sight. The video I added as an example shows a proper working one.

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