genuinely dont know if im shadowbanned or not but still looking for any help on this one.
making just getting a part direction where its moving and leaning it.
basically im trying to make a “pet follow” system where it follows the player’s back and leans towards the direction its on with a slight delay before it actually starts following the player.
I’m using BodyPosition and BodyGyro
I updated the movement system a bit however it’s still not leaning towards the direction the part is heading too. (nextPos)
--_ctrl:SetAttribute("_gyroCF", _ctrl.HumanoidRootPart.BodyGyro.CFrame) -- Strict axis on Z.
local prevPos = droot.Position
local rotVel =,0,0)
local nextPos = _starterModel.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,2,3)
local distV = nextPos.Position - prevPos
local angleMod = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(rotVel.X)*30,0,math.rad(rotVel.Z)*30)
local CF =*angleMod*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90))
local gyro = droot.BodyGyro
local bpos:BodyPosition = droot.BodyPosition
gyro.CFrame = v:GetAttribute("_gyroCF")*angleMod
bpos.Position = CF.Position