Hello! I’m making a gun testing simulator like KAT! I made you can equip a gun with Q. But I don’t want then to have 100 guns and just swap when they need to reload. I didn’t get an error because I didn’t test it but how will I make you can only have 1 gun of each? I don’t want the script just the steps!!
Just give them one Tool, and when they equip another one, :Destroy() it and :Clone() the newly equipped Tool. Always delete the current Tool, before giving them a new one.
I already used destroy but that will like destroy backpack! So I’m using ClearAllChildren !
You will need to make some sort of inventory system that saves all the guns that player has and the most recent one they had equipped. Then, whenever they change the one they want to equip you would make the player’s character unequip any tools and clear our their backpack and StarterGear, then add the requested gun to the Player’s StarterGear.
I instead clearedallchildren when the remote fires! I had tested destroy and it didnt work!
not destroy the backpack, yeah clear all children, but ensure you make the Player’s character unequip all tools first.
Yours is a better way, less messy! I’m gonna use your method thanks!