Make player's camera face a certain direction

How would I make the players camera face a certain direction? Any help is appreciated.

You need to set the CameraType to Enum.CameraType.Scriptable. After that, you can just rewrite the CFrame of the camera. (workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame=workspace.Part.CFrame) for instance.


Basically what @fofogoofan12 already said, you can either do

workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.Part.CFrame


workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =, 0, 0) – replace 0 with your values

I personally would prefer the first option, because you can edit the CFrame easily just by moving the part in workspace. For example, this would work well for a main menu camera.

The second option is better for games with a certain camera angle. Take a look at the Animal Crossing franchise for example, the camera there always faces one direction and is static.

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None of the both options worked. Is there any other way? Edit: Nevermind, the code from @fofogoofan12 worked. I just did it in a different way. Thank you for helping anyway!

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