Make ragdolls smoother

I’m trying to create a fighting game. In the game, I’m adding ragdolls, but I dont like how the ragdolls behave. They will do things like land on / balance on their own head. Or balance perfectly on their sides. It’s very frustrating. Let me give some examples:

What I have:

(landing on its face or back is a 50/50, not what I want)

What I want:

(I play this game a lot and I cant recall the dummy ever having the issue mine does)

I’ll put below my ragdoll system because it’s kind of complicated but may be the reason for this.

Ragdoll System

I want my game to be networked extremely well, and be smooth. So I don’t fully calculate the ragdoll physics on the server.
On the server, the dummy is set to the Physics humanoid state with PlatformStand set to true. All players are then sent an event which does this

  1. Create a ragdoll clone of the player
  2. Make the server dummy turn invisible on the client.
  3. Make it go wherever the server dummy goes (I would have welded it, but it then changed the network ownership. To combat this, I used an AlignPosition and an AlignOrientation together)
  4. Profit.

Here is an image of the ragdoll and the server dummy together:
(The server dummy is the transparent one)

Incase it wasn’t clear where the server dummy was, here’s that same dummy on the server.


bump, someone help me with this it took so long to make this post :sob:

bump before i go to bed. i would really like to know.

Is there a way to see what happens to the server dummy when it ragdolls?

yes, i can set the transparency of the server ragdoll to make it slightly visible (as seen in the 1st pic)

this is a shot in the dark, but maybe try to make the ragdoll denser? That way it wouldn’t be able to balance/headstand on landing, it would (hopefully) fall over like in the TSB example.

so make the everything except the torso massless? elaborate please

that potentially might work, but I was thinking that you should find a way to make the ragdoll fall quicker and harder, whatever solution that might be
from your explanation of the system I don’t think this is an issue with your ragdoll script.

Also something worth of note, that red arrow indicating knockback from sbg might imply they’ve got a script that controls the velocity/speed of the ragdoll in mid-air, im not too smart with luau so I couldn’t exactly write an example but that could potentially be why their ragdoll is so successful with its landings.

i see, ill try this as soon as i can.

Your ragdolled character only rotates on 1 axis it seems. Would rotating it randomly all the axis give you the effect you want? Tsb dummy did basically a rotating flip when uppercutted. It looks like the rotation is intentionally made so that the dummy lands on his face and exactly the same angle he was facing before being ragdolled.