Make rounded button mouse-over highlight encompass entirety of button's area

I have a textbutton that I roundified and I’m trying to figure out how I could make the highlight that shows when there is a mouse over the button show over the imagelabel in the background that acts as the roundifier. Any way to do this? Picture of what i mean attached below Screenshot_31
(entire section of it should be darkened)

If I understand your question correctly, why not just copy the big backing frame that you have, set it’s ZIndex higher than everything else, then set the ImageTransparency to where you can still see the elements behind it but it’d just be a darkening agent.

Hope this helps.

That’s not what I mean-I want the image frame in the back to match the button frame’s color at all times. When being clicked it changes, when being hovered it changes, etc.

You can disable this functionality by turning off the AutoButtonColor property of your button.