When filling out a value you can never really be sure if you’re suppose to write: 1,5 or 1.5
Single values (such as health) require you to write: 1,5
Multiple values (such as position) require you to write: 1.5, 0, 1
If you get it wrong, roblox just deletes your whole number.
Please change so you can write 1.5 in single value, its very frustrating to write a value just to have it deleted because studio can’t interpret 1.5 as 1,5.
Studio accepts 1.5 for single values such as health for me. What country are you in? This is probably because QT performs some localisation for inputting doubles but we don’t for Vector3s. http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qlocale.html#groupSeparator